We partner with instructional leaders through high quality curriculum and one-on-one coaching to drive transformational change in schools.
Providing expert and individualized coaching for leaders who want to revolutionize their classrooms.
Weekly Coaching
High-Quality Curriculum
Student Achievement

Leap supports all school leaders – from new teachers to veteran coaches. Together with your coach, Leap aims to support school leaders to grow their instructional leadership practices through the following.

Individualized Support

Building Leadership Competencies & Skills

Joint Observations
Learn more about our vision and curriculum in our self-directed learning modules.
Start with our Instructional Vision:
We have 2 types of Elementary School Lessons.
All Middle School Lessons start with a "Think About It" opening.
We have 2 types of Middle School Lessons.
Sign up to access our free digital curriculum or complete the form to buy printed copies:

The two programs below are designed for partners who are working to put structures in place and are still working on creating and/or internalizing key skills, systems, or structures.
This level of support is for a partner who:
Has a leader who is new or returning in their leadership role
Is in the beginning stages of adopting a high quality math curriculum or has already adopted a high quality math curriculum but has not received formal implementation support with their current math curriculum
Has a school or network where math achievement results are stagnant or low
This level of support is for a partner who:
Wants to ensure great math instruction in every classroom by shifting the way math teachers are trained and supported in the high quality math curriculum that their school has adopted
Has a leader who is new in their leadership role
Has a leader who is not new in the leadership role but is still in the beginning stages of leading rigorous math instruction
Has a relatively new teaching team
Has a school or network math achievement results have seen a significant decline in recent years
The two programs below are for partners who have successfully completed two+ years of support or are interested but aren’t yet ready for the time commitment associated with our standard full program.
This level of support is for a partner who:
Is interested in eventually moving to full program partnership at some point in the future but doesn't have the current capacity to do so at this time
Has been supported by us for multiple years and is feeling ready to descaffold support.
Notably this option includes fewer site visits as well as more incremental coaching opportunities to provide support.
This program is for partners who want to focus on a specific goal. Examples include:
Direct Teacher Instructional & Leadership Coaching
Data Analysis & Action Planning
Instructional School Site Visits & Action Planning
Leading Instructional Professional Development
Systems Creation, Development, & Management
Instructional Vision Setting & Strategic Planning
Curricula Review & Recommendations
Tier 2 & Tier 3 Support
Support with additional math priorities